r8chel06   4 years ago

that’s awful.Sounds like you need a referral for a fertility specialist or RE. I can’t believe they haven’t checked progesterone levels post ovulation before. That is always my problem, and with it I’m totally fine. OB’s just don’t specialize in fertility, they specialize in babies.

soundhaven79  4 years ago

I had two chemicals in the past three months and a MMC at 14 weeks.

Going to ask my doctor about my progesterone levels. After the MMC she did 16 vials of bloodwork but nothing for progesterone levels.

Maybe my levels are low which is why I was asking what had them think to check your levels.

r8chel06   4 years ago

I normally have low progesterone, yes and am on supplements with my other babies, plus I’m still breastfeeding so it definitely is a concern...

soundhaven79  4 years ago

Very much positive! Do you have low progesterone? If so does your OB put you on a supplement?