What women are saying

Stuffy Nose

Ladychey123  2 years ago
Had stuffy nose round 2dpo-3dpo


OhBoyOrGirl  5 years ago
Been having bad head cold since 2dpo Alot of thick snot when I blow my nose. (Different)


Raggybree  6 years ago
Felt like allergies sneezy a lot the 1 day 2nd day felt like a bad head cold 5 dpo just very congested




Metal_Yuri  6 years ago
Stuffy runny itchy nose, feels like I have to fight off sneezing I'm 8dpo.


Sandy019  6 years ago
3dpo really stuffy nose feels like flu started yesterday


Schannitha1990  6 years ago
8dpo stuffy runny ????


MissusB  6 years ago
14 dpo stuffy nose


MissShorty0312  6 years ago
Stuffy Nose


Denisew  6 years ago
5 dpo stuffy runny nose so annoying


Denisew  6 years ago
5 dpo stuffy runny nose so annoying


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