What women are saying


Page 6

2twnty3  10 years ago
10dpo and started having chills while trying to sleep. Home was 75F inside! 11dpo now and I'm having chills in the morning. Bfp anyone?


minnie2010  10 years ago
26dpo (I know past 21,but..) I am FREEEEEZING all the time for the past 1-2 weeks. Ugh!!


Rdy2bamom  10 years ago
Only 7dpo had chills several times today and the house was 75 degrees




idealya2010  10 years ago
i am 10 dpo i have been soo cold every day with blankets an my husband has a fit bc its so hot out he thinks im sick lolo


Shenu98  10 years ago
10dpo and 11 dpo-chills very bad in the middle of the night.


greensparkles  11 years ago
8dpo, slept under 3 blankets, sweat pants and sweatshirt, and a robe. Was still cold. Had slight fever


greensparkles  11 years ago
6dpo, cold to my bones. Got goose bumps several times today, too.


kuuipo2013  11 years ago
last night i was very cold and had bumps all over my arms


lizlxix  11 years ago
I am 7dpo and have been getting cold flashes. Like a bone chilling cold while everyone else is warm. Plus I think i had IB yesterday.


JJDDgirl14  11 years ago
My husband said to me last weekend - Why do you always have goosebumps? LOL


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