What women are saying

Increased Cervical Fluid

Page 52

BenjaminsMommy2012  11 years ago
I have had the clear CM sice OD and now 11 days DPO still having it. I had my first on BCP, and I had no symptoms. Dont know preg. symptoms


Tawnia78  11 years ago
I'm 7dpo and have way more cm than I normally do. Normally when dtd we need a little something to help but the past week we need nothing.


AshleyO  11 years ago
Usually have creamy cm after O and this time it's wet. Fingers crossed!




sadibee123  11 years ago
I'm 5 DPO and have the white, creamy cm. I've never had this before, mine's usually wet, all the time. Might be pg?


leiria87  11 years ago
I'm 5dpo today and I had globs of cm today. :/ I'm hoping that it's a good sign, but this seems to happen during every tww for me, idk


amberlea20  11 years ago
I am 14dpo and have noticed an increase in cm at least once a day while normally I usually dry up after O day.


Mumma Currey  11 years ago
wow I never new this but have it at the moment (have 5 kids 6 pregnancies and still learning new things)


lauren_122  11 years ago
*tww. I'm 7 dpo and have had creamy cm since 2 dpo.


lauren_122  11 years ago
I usually dry up right after o, maybe have cm for a day in the middle of my w


dannie73  11 years ago


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