What women are saying


Page 3

heatherm907  7 years ago
I had a pinch feeling that lasted just a few seconds today and then did it again about an hour or so (dont know wasn't timing) later.


katrinaelisabeth  7 years ago
I am 4 weeks pregnant today. On 9dpo I felt a very sharp pinch that lasted 30sec or so. After that nothing. I have started to pinch in the e


Megzymoo  7 years ago
Approx 8DPO - first noticed lots of CM, followed by pulling/ pinching feelings that continued over a few days. Got a vv faint BFP tonight.




katrinaelisabeth  7 years ago
Pinching on the same side I ov'd from! Comes and goes all day.. 7/8dpo today.


katrinaelisabeth  7 years ago
Pinching on the same side I ov'd from! Comes and goes all day.. 7/8dpo today.


gunnshot  7 years ago
Pinching/scratching in uterus. CD 39


jujube82  7 years ago
11dpo some pinching on my right side


sunflowergrl2  7 years ago
11 dpo


BlueDoes  7 years ago


trishmichelle  7 years ago
Got my bfp this morning at 10dpo and have a pinching feeling on the right near my uterus. Made me really worried.


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