What women are saying


Page 28

sublimenhb  10 years ago
9 DPO My back all of a sudden HURTS! Not sure if I am pregnant... Middle of my back is killing me.


AmberSmth33  10 years ago
I just feel cramps in my back and pressure, still not sure if I am pregnant.


NewFlower  10 years ago
6DPO: my back is killing me, i have had it since ovulation. sore legs, light nausea and headache and pain around the left side of my pelvis




twihardgirl6609  10 years ago
Back is sore, but my hips hurt the most mainly in the a.m.


Janise  10 years ago
my back aches...ouch


stilljustme  10 years ago
negative test on 10dpo but pain on lower right side and down leg started last night and went all evening and into today - AM faint positive


mlmattas86  10 years ago
i am found out by a positive pregnant test im pregnant but a few days before my period. Before I tested I had backache for 2 days alll day.


ladyfox21  10 years ago
going on my 3rd week of extreme back discomfort nonstop. I've got a whole nights rest at wrk feels like I havent slept in days


TakeAChancexx  10 years ago
CD40 Really bad lower back pain, abdominal discomfort.


rylie8  10 years ago
5DPO -for the past few days I've been experiencing a lot of low back pain. I feel it all day long


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