What women are saying

Strong Smelling Urine

Page 2

LadyDy  7 years ago
Yes, at 10 dpo and still now that I'm at 14dpo. Smells like I had too much sugary drinks! Lol! Odd.


Malliryk11  7 years ago
14 dpo and yes


Jangie22  7 years ago
Had super dark urine this morning and i dink lots of water! Im dpo.




Newlight  8 years ago
5 days after FET , weird strong urine smell


pynkchick  8 years ago
i am 10dpo and i just noticed it as i went and i feel sick, its not dehydration as i drink around 2-3 litres of water a day


Burtstequila1st@  8 years ago
Yes's 10 & yes


cppeace  8 years ago
8dpo late in day dark a d strong smelling. Maybe slight dehydration but been drinking 40oz or more a day


Irelasol  8 years ago
Yes Dpo 8 but been experiencing it last 3 days now


Gorjessblueeyes  8 years ago
I am 7 days past positive opk not sure ovulation but for the past few days my pee has smelled funny really strong with a werid smell.


MaybeMama612  8 years ago
Yes! At 9dpo


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