What women are saying

Dull Cramps/Pressure

Page 13

member_228794  7 years ago
on my 5 DPO i had cramps and throwing up for 3 hours ?


Cbrown2013  7 years ago
I am 3dpo and I have the mild dull cramps


Brandy Lee  7 years ago
Im 5dpo and have a constant back ache, and cramps, and this appetite... where did it come from?




Brandy Lee  7 years ago
Im 5dpo and have a constant back ache, and cramps, and this appetite... where did it come from?


JamieMarcplus1  7 years ago
3dpo dull ache on left side ovary area. lower back ache. exhaustipn by afternoon.


RonniBonni28  7 years ago
4dpo Mild dull cramps on my right side. All bit of back pressure as well


KCPTTC  7 years ago
I am heading into my 5th week of pregnancy...I wouldn't call it cramps...more like a tightening and pulling feeling in my abdomen.


RedheadMammaBear  7 years ago
Cramping for the last couple days. 5 DPO


lakergirl  7 years ago
Swollen breasts, headache, tired, cramping in lower abdomen, pink mucus in discharge (very light)


Erbear0999  7 years ago
Period like cramps everyday a week before my period I've had them ever since but they feel different than normal period cramps.


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