What women are saying

Strong Smelling Urine

Page 13

Guest  12 years ago
i am 3 months pregnant and my urine is darker and smells stronge im drinking plenty of water so should i be worried?


Guest  12 years ago
i have almost all of these symptons ! ...dizzy, freq urination, smelly urine, legs/hips/back ache, runny nose and my tummy is very tender !!


Guest  12 years ago
Yes am 6 days past ovulation




Guest  12 years ago
im a month late and my urine is strong very strong smelling first thing in the morning what could be anything bad? or could i be prenant?


Guest  12 years ago
My period is 5 days late... i noticed a strong smell in my urine this morning, can that mean im pregnant?


Guest  12 years ago
i urinate each and every sec.am i pregnant>


Guest  12 years ago
Can a strong smell of smokes, food, etc be a symptom? My partern smokes and everytime i smell the cigerete I vomit! Could I be pregnant?


Guest  12 years ago
My period is 5 days late and this morning I noticed a strong urine smell? Can I be pregnant???


Guest  12 years ago
i experienced strong smelling urine a week or so after ovulation. i am 2 days late and the pregnancy test is positive!


erinkautz  12 years ago
I am 1 day past ovulation and have this symptom. Is it too soon to be pregnant?


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