What women are saying

Dizziness or Light Headed

Page 12

Butterfly2216  11 years ago
Just started feeling a little dizzy/lightheaded 8DPO.


keatonandwillowsmama  11 years ago
8dpo Just almost passed out, feel into door happened while pregnant with my daughter.


tutny850  11 years ago
9dpo... i feel light headed.. i have headaches, back aches, and im nauseous




Manono  11 years ago
I feel dizzy, nauseous, moody. 1 week post light bleed/spotting.


louiee41  11 years ago
Yes dizzy and thought I was goign to pass out. Increases saliva metallic taste and all


BubblyDede  11 years ago
dizzy when ive eaten all day nothing light all heavy. ate sum sweets is sugar was the case but still feeling dizzy


mominsf  11 years ago
3 dpo with dizziness and slight urinary frequency increase and urgency!


MyMiniMonk  11 years ago
Almost fainted at work. I got so dizzy and started fall over before catching myself.


vazquezjanelle.12  11 years ago
Dpo7 1:00pm and have gotten dizzy 3 times... ahh


GoldenSunset  11 years ago
Feeling dizzy when getting out of bed in morning, when getting off chair, or toilet on days I have spotting (three days in a row DPO 9-11)


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