What women are saying

Tender Breasts (Underarms)

Page 11

ChelSchneider  11 years ago
Very full and extremely sore breast.. They throb at the most part & sore under right underarm.


3timesaround  11 years ago
11dpo I am having burning sensations in my bbs and very tender on the sides...


Tottie36  11 years ago
Feel I have lumps under my armpits




Brightstar  11 years ago
6dpo and boobs are full with a burning sensation going through the middle into the nipples.the sides have a buurning sensation too,wierd x


dcom228207  11 years ago
15dpo it feels like is burning


Mangojuice2  11 years ago
7 dpo tender bbs near armpit and breast, slight cramping 2dy on LL Abd.


NewRN2012  11 years ago
11 or 12 dpo and I feel like I could scream if someone touched my bbs!


CeeBee76  11 years ago
8dpo and have soreness on sides of bbs right under armpit. No other pain noticed.


Mugs13  11 years ago
9 DPO Armpit sides and underside of bb's are sore, for past few days. I feel like they are swelling on the sides,becoming rounder? Possible?


rawrbaby331  11 years ago
Is it weird that I'm getting these symptoms so early?


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