What women are saying

Dizziness or Light Headed

Page 10

Shellyah  10 years ago
9 dpo


crwallis91  11 years ago
8dpo and I woke up super dizzy and very off feeling kinda like I'm drunk


goldengrilamy  11 years ago
9-10 dpo,woke up feeling drunk!!! Cannot get dizziness out of my head!




gracie04  11 years ago
I am 7 dpo and i am very light headed feeling dizzy and also feel nausea which is new for me. i have three already


rockyandmel  11 years ago
7dpo dizzy and light-headed most of the day but finally wore off, that and nausea were very uncommon symptoms for me


greensparkles  11 years ago
8dpo, still getting very dizzy when I turn my head or change directions


Mimi1980  11 years ago
I'm only about 3 weeks but I know I am pg have 2 already and man I have the signs!


Mimi1980  11 years ago
I get very dizzy especially when I get off an elevator, still feels like I'm going down! Is this normal?


greensparkles  11 years ago
5 dpo, and whenever I change directions walking, I get light headed


aspiringmum  11 years ago
12dpo and can't stand up--the world is spinning.


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