What women are saying

Tingling Breasts

Page 10

GinnaG  12 years ago
8 dpo my breasts are tingling with a burning sensation.


Guest  12 years ago
5dpo tingly itchy nipples and breasts. also the odd scratchy and also achey feeling in my abdomen....any1 had this and turned out to be pg?g


nena31  12 years ago
8dpo, bbs are very tingly and throbbing, nipples have a tingly sensation (like they have fallen asleep).




Guest  12 years ago
Tingling like sting in right breast at 2 dpo and today 3 dpo


nena31  12 years ago
4dpo, both bbs have a tingling sensation and very itchy.


wannabegerimum  12 years ago


Guest  12 years ago
8dpo also been having tingling, sharp pains and itchiness


Guest  12 years ago
I had a slight tingling in my right breast last night... it only lasted a second or two.


cmmc_13905  12 years ago
3 dpo-5 dpo, tingling & itchy nipples & itchy breasts


Guest  13 years ago
14 dpo and ive been experiencing it all day long


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