What women are saying

Tender Breasts (Underarms)

Page 10

Kate29  11 years ago
Sides of breasts very sore, 10 dpo. Normally this PMS symptom stops for me at 7 dpo.


KthnxbyeO.o  11 years ago
Been exoperiencing this for a couple days mostly in my left but occasionally in my right breast... 5 dpo today!


Jupitor  11 years ago
I have been having pain on the side of my left breast, it was so bad I had to take my bra off..




addilo  11 years ago
yes this is new to me 9dpo


tamara1122  11 years ago
6 dpo


firemama  11 years ago
11 DPO i woke up with a terrible pain in my right armpit, hurt too much to touch. 12 DPO the side of my right breast is pretty tender


xxkiva118xx  11 years ago
I been experiencing pain on the sides of my breasts near the armpit area.. never knew this would be a pregnancy symptom.


Phurrglo  11 years ago
yes it is more on the right side also and sensitive nipples. 8 dpo.


oxswanita  11 years ago
is anyone having this experience like right breast more pain than left?


luseted  11 years ago
sides of my bbs are sore kinda under my armpits. and huge blue vein shwoing up over the last few says, today is 11dpo


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