What women are saying


Page 10

MNascimento   9 years ago
I'm 6dpo was feeling sick to my stomach on 5dpo and today 6dpo some diarrhea, hopefully just a pregnancy symptom.


horsekeeper79  9 years ago
7dpo, cramping with diarrhea.


jessicadelap  9 years ago
im at 5dpo and i have diarrhea after being constipated for 4 days




Alison Mae  9 years ago
constipated, lower cramps differant than before mooooooood swings are pretty bad ugh


inari80  9 years ago
14 Dpo late at night. Feeling miserable. Have a shocking cold and terrible diarrhea. Have had mild cramps off and on. fingers crossed


perfectxmamaxoxo  9 years ago
6DPO/7DPO watery diarrhea and stomach cramps, gas...UGH! I feel horrible!


Stefaniej927  9 years ago
8dpo: extremely bloated 9dpo(today): watery stools all night and today. Praying this is a symptom!


ctymom  9 years ago
18dpo, no AF, high temps, diahrrea again.


Mzmarcie  9 years ago
Think when I cant poop all day this what happens im 5dpo


Lolo1176  9 years ago
7 DPO and it's late at night. Some cramps and nausea with it too. FX'D this is a good sign.


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