What women are saying

12 days past ovulation

Page 97

jissandra  11 years ago
tired hungry moody stuffy nose when i woke up ran out of bed had to pee really bad really strange dreams.


BeachBunni  11 years ago
bloated and so gasy!! fatigue, nausea this am, but so hungrytoo?? emotional, also got up asll night to urinate? !


Nee2concieve  11 years ago
Swollen feet, woke up hungry with right nostil stuffy and backaches, legs and headaches.




Jnbundy  11 years ago
strawberry- me too. and (-) test, high bp, high emotions


Strawberryrush  11 years ago
Lots of gas & bloating, slight cramps & only 1 breast is sore. Hoping for baby dust!!!!


kahlua01  11 years ago
12 DPO had racing heart beat last night , checked blood pressure and that was normal but pulse heart rate was 92 which is high its symptom t


Nesula  11 years ago
Oh and gas, terrible gas. Feeling bloated


Nesula  11 years ago
Cramps, cm, headache which start a fews days ago, increased saliva, when I take off my bra boobs are sore and feel heavy.


machatwell  11 years ago
cvm, slightly tender breasts, day 26 on cycle ( aunt f. comes usually on 25 -27) we'll see. HAD to buy chocolate today. Sounds likeAunt F.


sublimenhb  11 years ago
light headed, increased CM, very mild/dull cramps


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