What women are saying

4 days past ovulation

Page 91

xoxoJulie  11 years ago
breasts feel a bit heavy & sore; noticed my nipple areola look bigger w/tiny goosebumps, bloating too, stomach upset over wknd


mummybee  11 years ago
headache, fatigue, tugging fullness feeling in belly, cranky, hot sweats so hoping that this month is my month


Mommy to an angel  11 years ago
Terrible headache today! Baby dust to all




s.perry23  11 years ago
extremely tired with tugging and pulling in lower bellyb exhaustion is the worse !!


bemo1234  11 years ago
felling slighty some cramps on and off since 3dpo. Andsome pulling in my lower abdomen.


mayele  11 years ago
have slight cramping in the morning, gassy


Hope&Love  11 years ago
Sweating like crazy at night not sweeting lol, lots of pulling and tugging/slightly crampy.


Hope&Love  11 years ago
Feeling nauseous, sore bbs, gassy, woke up in the middle of the night with sweeting like crazy, nipples more sensitive


Mommyofanangel12  11 years ago
Frequent urination and lower back pain , tender breast


Mommyofanangel12  11 years ago
Frequent urination and lower back pain , tender breast


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