What women are saying

14 days past ovulation

Page 88

tmicheal  11 years ago
14 dpo af due today, no sign of her, less symptoms, slight nausea, bbt drop, slight cramping on right in the middle, backache and tired


bonbony  11 years ago
In the morning yellow discharge,after an our light pink..This is AF...cant believe..so sad


karabomot  11 years ago
AF due due today, no sign. Pressure on pelvis. woke up with headache this morning. Breasts still tender/ full




Kerri5  11 years ago
Thought I elf let ppl know my symptoms got less closer to test time, don't worry if that's the case for you


Kerri5  11 years ago
Got a + within 5 sec of test! Thought I would share symptoms. At first tender bbs and bigger, tired earlier than usual, hot body temp


anjelicakainani  11 years ago
Period is supposed to come today, but didn't come this morning. Very tired, backache, feeling full, gassy. Going to take test later.


crazygirl3k  11 years ago
no af today was due feel sick keep haven light pink dischage tested sat said no waiting few more days


mommantraining  11 years ago
tried mild headache, dull pressure bloated, gassy no AF due today will test in a week or so if no AF shows.


wanting#6  11 years ago
hptp faint 2nd ln. back aches sleeplessness taking test again monday:)


Haileydixon92  11 years ago
cramps, bad headache for past 3 days, nausea along with the headaches and back aches


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