What women are saying

14 days past ovulation

Page 87

mkry376  11 years ago
oh and slight back pains in my spine... not the typical AF back pains.. weird O_o


mkry376  11 years ago
feeling slight crampy w/ twitches on the right, got a verrry faint almost not there + this am, bbs feeling tight/tender, AF due tmrw. (^_^)


Renae1717  11 years ago
insomnia, light cramps, heavy sore bbs, faint BFP yesterday




meghanraby  11 years ago
Light cramps and pressure, peeing a lot, gassy, tired, sore boobs and light BFP :P


selene27  11 years ago
nausea, bigger sore breasts, bfn. af due tomorrow @ latest.


LiaLatchem  11 years ago
Feel 'full' like I've put on weight, dizzy, headaches, sore boobs and general fatigue.. Still BFN, will test again tomorrow


Jonesp  11 years ago
Slight cramping, gassy, change in boob size been napping today. Awaiting af


jshriv  11 years ago
14 dpo and slight cramping last night. backache today but no af


kdeej4567  11 years ago
AF is 4 days late :) I have all these symptoms to the max. Especially the tender boobs, gas, bloating, backache, and nausea! TESTING TODAY!


nsingh  11 years ago
Woke up with a headache, bbs feel heavy and bigger. AF due yesterday, nothing yet. feel tired.


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