What women are saying

8 days past ovulation

Page 7

member_155846  6 years ago
Right now ai am bloated and have cramps.mas in yhe cramps nrver left since my O.


Davibullerman  6 years ago
Insane amount of gas and indigestion


Bellasmum  6 years ago
Sore breast, nausea, headache and fatique




kreep13  6 years ago
I usually don't feel like this until a day before or on my period so who knows..


kreep13  6 years ago
Took a nap, could sleep all day. Sore boobs and now af cramps. Week til af..


KaylaStarMucha  6 years ago
Very tired, sensitive nipples, and oddly increased appetite, insomnia, low energy level, bloating, gas.


Divakt  6 years ago
Headache, slight cramping


Firstat50  6 years ago
8 dpo very gassy at nighttime, experienced lower bad back pain 6 dpo and 7 dpo, but went away on 8 dpo. pains in breast, purple nipples.


Misswelsh92  6 years ago
Sore nipples, awful night sleep but vivid dreams when I did, like a pinching feeling behind my belly button,little nausea this a/m


FatttyDevine  6 years ago
BBT Luteal Phase Dip, Bloating, Pulling/Pinching, Twinges, Sore Nipples, Tender Breasts, Vivid Dreams, Light Brown Spotting


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