What women are saying

12 days past ovulation

Page 47

Affiong  9 years ago
Sore and sensitive nipples, more of left abdominal cramp than right, sore throat and vomiting while coughing, slight nausea, fever


honeika  9 years ago
freq. urination very dizzy when I stand up which incre. nausea boobs still sore n full mild cramps off n on


hnyb411  9 years ago
BFN on FMU. Brushed my teeth and had a lot of blood (not normal). Oh well, maybe next month




honeika  9 years ago
also have had a stuffy nose the past couple days peeing more than I normally do and have been taking naps now norm don't do that


honeika  9 years ago
have had sore boobs for an out a week now some days it's heavy pressure some days it just painful to touch them also mild headaches off n on


sarmart435  9 years ago
feel out this month, tired, sore sensitive boobs, brown discharge since yesterday spotting before AF?


ElizabethS  9 years ago
and also been feeling more tired extremely moody peeing a little more


ElizabethS  9 years ago
been sick feel sick most of the time not eating as much lower back hurts stuffy nose slight cramps boobs hurt a little


ginaprice1975  9 years ago
stuffy nose, extreme exhaustion, and famished


purpleblue22  9 years ago
achy boobs. pms-like cramps. runny nose. headache/migraine. fatigue. took 2 naps today. AF due two days from now.


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