What women are saying

10 days past ovulation

Page 4

masdenueve  4 years ago
Dolor de pechos desde 4dpo, dolor de espalda desde 9 dpo dolorde estómago indigestión, comi demasiado y tuve que desabrochar mis pantalones


member_58252  4 years ago
some what bloated bbs tender dry mouth ,and bitchy


Nikkiknit  4 years ago
Since 5-6dpo mild cramps, sore boobs, lots of strange feeling down there, none painful and just lasting a few minutes, some nausea




Em1895  4 years ago
Woke up craving ice cream, breast pain decreased since 9dpo (unusual) , bfn. Thinking maybe I didn't ovulate idk


wallaceemily99  4 years ago
Taste of soap in my mouth. Got my BFP today.


wallaceemily99  4 years ago
Felt like "bubbles popping" in my uterus for a good portion of the day. Dreams for a week about having a baby, getting BFPs, metallic taste


wallaceemily99  4 years ago
A LOT of cramping today, didn't feel like a AF cramp more like a dull with sharp pains cramp, pulling and pinching, felt like


megankf  4 years ago
Very lethargic despite taking naps & getting plenty of sleep, feeling very weepy, medium/watery cm, weird tingly sensation on nipples


megankf  4 years ago
Loose stools, hunger pains but no appetite (which is very weird for me), absence of acne (which I would normally have at this stage...)


ohhsarajane  4 years ago
@intoxica503 did you conceive that cycle


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