What women are saying

4 days past ovulation

Page 33

juanita78  9 years ago
im round 4-5. Feeling discouraged b/c having no symptoms. Cold/sore throat for 3 days. Cm sticky when checked


bluegirly530   9 years ago
also light headaches.


bluegirly530   9 years ago
sore breasts, achy nipples, filling out my bra more, very hungry, creamy cm, feeling fat, UTI for few days and peeing more.,




Trishajay2  9 years ago
4Dpo and I'm having lower back pain, gas, cm still really wet since O and mild/ dull craning.


Eflach  9 years ago
Feeling of tugging and sharp pain in lower abdomen also sore nipples


MissEvans  9 years ago
White milky cm, nauseous spells but dont last too long, few twinges and head feels a lil bit foggy


himejazu  9 years ago
af came two a few weeks ago, new cycle and 0 symptoms other than gassy and a few twinges no cramping


firecrackermama12  9 years ago
tired, sensitive, frequent urination, sore breasts on the sides


MalPal85  9 years ago
exhausted but up late the night before, pain on right side and into leg.


Joyfryer777  9 years ago
Very sensitive/ sore nipples. Not typical for me. Early sign of pregnancy?


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