What women are saying

8 days past ovulation

Page 148

mrshis09  11 years ago
Very sore breasts & nipples, tired, light headedness on and off. Low hard cervix and negative HPT on a blue dye +- test.


annacozzy12  11 years ago
Exhausted , Need To Pee More , Nausea Throw Most Of The Day ..


Nee2concieve  11 years ago
Painful nipples, dull pain in the right ovary and free flowing feeling only in the morning. who knows could be AF coming




RNcherish  11 years ago
tired and crampy but who knows sometimes that means AF is coming.


Treeshalee83  11 years ago
constipation, moodiness, tender breasts underarm (left only), more frequent urination, got up during the night, increased sense of smell


Mel 0636  11 years ago
dizzy this morning, nose bleed (which I never get) and cramps in lower abdomen


Iseasalaya5  11 years ago
tired, dizzy in the morning, weird dreams, and I got up 3 times last night to pee.


Darrell'sWife  11 years ago
constantly hungry, dull cramps which for me is not normal 48 hrs after ov. bloated, and i feel tenderness n boobs when i take bra off.


gracie04  11 years ago
sore boobs especially nipples, bloating, gas, mild cramping, feeling tired, moody


mskeno2210  11 years ago
tired, anxious...dull like "mini" cramps in lower abdomen, some tingling in boobs although not sore


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