What women are saying

5 days past ovulation

Page 146

alisalenasmommy  12 years ago
feeling tired, backache, sore nipples, moody, nausea, diarhea and crampy


kishasexy88  12 years ago
a little tired,sore nipples,backache,and little bouts of nausa


Want_A_Baby  12 years ago
crampy, leg aching, and lotion like creamy cm(tmi)




cleite26  12 years ago
more tired than usual, occassional period like cramps, sensitive nipples


snthal02  12 years ago
back ache and legs, sore breasts, sensitive nipples, tired, moody


MYSSYX  12 years ago
very very crampy in my lower abdomen-no other symptoms


lharri0209  12 years ago
(CONTINUED) Tiresome through the day and bouts of nausea after eating.


lharri0209  12 years ago
5dpo and mild twinges/ cramps on and off, lotion like cm, gassy, vivid dreams and have gone to bed early ( sleepy) three nights in a row. Ti


koriandra  12 years ago
sticky white cm, achey boobs,veins are noticeable,and metallic taste in my mouth


Momof404061215  12 years ago
I'm exhausted and my boobs are swollen and ache, my armpits also hurt! Headache and stuffy nose!


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