What women are saying

5 days past ovulation

Page 143

Sourcake  11 years ago
I'm having severe shooting pain in my left breast off and on. It almost takes my breath away.


Sourcake  11 years ago
I was so tired yesterday at 3pm that I barely made it up the stairs and slept for 2 solid hours! Vivid dreams for 3 days.


justlnk  11 years ago
VERY TIRED, moody, little crampy, bloated, done more BMs than I would have liked these past 2 days




skyfirecc  12 years ago
crampy type feeling over past few days, sensitive nipples, food aversion, weird dreams


momagain#2  12 years ago
my sex drive has also increased. normally does increase around ovulation then subsides but has only increased


momagain#2  12 years ago
I have been having mild cramping kn lower abdomen for several days. Just started with lower backache ladt night. Mh sex dri


FRANCES05  12 years ago
also feel like im getting trush.


FRANCES05  12 years ago
boobs sore, feel like getting chest infection temp 37, weird dream last night ,tired mild dull pressure tiny twinges on and off.


angelbaby1028  12 years ago
backache, sore breasts


Daidr3am3r  12 years ago
only major diffrence i have 2 days of acid reflux


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