What women are saying

8 days past ovulation

Page 140

ravenmickey  11 years ago
8 DPO had sharp/stabbing pains that lasted 4 a few minutes. last time that happened i found out i was pg. hoping it was IMPLANTATION!!! :o)


klmruthie  11 years ago
Nausea/hunger pains, OVERLY emotional, very tired, grouchy, bloated and gassy, full feeling in lower stomach


nina2222  11 years ago
definately this symptom!!!!




kroesler91  11 years ago
gas , heavy breasts, pinching, incres\ase in cervical fluid and sex drive, vivid dreams, complete exuastion.


Langley26  11 years ago
I have every symptom but swollen/sore bbs except the other sharp stabby pains from armpit to bbs. Crazy crazy vivid dreams tons of gas lol


Chevybog5  11 years ago
Slight nausea extremely exhausted sore boobs frequent urination. I'm going back to bed! (yawns)


AMO0818  11 years ago
Gas, nausea (but not vomiting), sharp cramps low left, tender breasts. I too took a test this morning and a faint + was there :)


pumpkin74  11 years ago
bit queasy and lots of saliva. breasts feel funny bit tight but not sore.


MissPaula04  11 years ago
I have all of these symptoms except the breasts feel heavy/full one.. took a sensitive test this morning and think i got a very light +!!


Clarice80  11 years ago
Very tired, yet i have insomnia. Light cramping in left lower side still. VERY gassy. So emotional too....crying and then laughing


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