What women are saying

8 days past ovulation

Page 135

baker babe  11 years ago
lightheaded when i stand, piercing headace, tired , tender bb's, mild nausea if in car


Shenu98  11 years ago
8 dpo-my breast are heavyer and full, tender nipples , a bit moody at times, a bit of cervical muscus, sinuses are bothering me (sick)


happymedium  11 years ago
nausea today, hit with tired and dizziness




Ralex37  11 years ago
Tender breasts, heartburn, tired


fatehah  11 years ago
bloated, tired, backpains, sore nipples and breast feel heavy..hope will concived this cycle..


thenewmrsB  11 years ago
very emotional, hungry, tired, mild cramps & aches all over


MissPaula04  11 years ago
Bloated, aching breasts, exhausted, cramping, pinching, gassy, backache, weepy..


ShannonKegler  11 years ago
legs and hips sore and my sense of smell is stronger and I noticed a breast change and i can still smell my urine early in the morning


CutiePieMom  11 years ago
gasy. tired, not as bad as previous days... lite bloating. lite cramping. still have "reflux" type feeling all day.


PrettyBee  11 years ago
I've been gassy, achy with mild cramping. discharge is light. my cycle should be coming in a couple of days if I haven't conceived.


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