What women are saying

6 days past ovulation

Page 130

Awaitingourblessing  11 years ago
Sore boobs and cramping and nausea


dippydeedannii  11 years ago
loads of lower cramps. kinda nauseaus increased cm soooooo tired


nadiany  11 years ago
Having light cramping off and n for few days, alot of CM, & no monthly pimple thats what really got me!!




lateedaa  11 years ago
cramps in my ovaries. sharp pain when I woke up and moved. Felt like it did when I was pregnant before and stretched (round ligament pain)


chickenflippit  11 years ago
very mild cramps for the last few days. Tired yesterday and today - think I might take a nap :)


MrsJMFM  11 years ago
I had alot of energy yesterday, woke up today extremely exhausted and tired! bloated, light cramps, heavy/full feeling, sore breasts/nipples


natgen0512  11 years ago
Increased cm, sore bbs, nauseatedð???


urbanfox  11 years ago
I had sore breasts yesterday more under the arm still feel it a bit today but not as bad. Had diarrhea. Had to nap yesterday.


Chicarossi  11 years ago
Dizzy, upset tummy, increased cm


injoy217  11 years ago
metal taste in mouth


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