What women are saying

6 days past ovulation

Page 128

ashntony  11 years ago
sharp pains in belly and nausea


curiouspaws  11 years ago
sleepy but can't sleep, gassy, slight ab pain? crossing my fingers.


Sourcake  11 years ago
Nada :(




lakalaka3  11 years ago
bloated, horrible bk cramps, way past irritable off n on nausea, shooting pain in pelvic area


Elephant Love  11 years ago
Sleepy, headache, bloated, brown/red spotting.. Hoping it's ib. KMFX for us all!!


pinas0121  11 years ago
Bloated, gassy, tender boobs, sleepy all the time, always hungry.. Hoping this is it!


Babo2012  11 years ago
feel like i've got a cold coming over the last couple of days. Backache and tired. really weepy yesterday but was a stressy day...


CeliaCecilie  11 years ago
slightly tender breasts. Hungry and empty feeling. Active bowels.


Kenita  11 years ago
tired, headache, bloated, lower backache, tender boobs, irritable


nina2222  11 years ago
tender boobs, crampy, and a dull-aching lower back


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