What women are saying

6 days past ovulation

Page 126

Sri Pureni  11 years ago
i've benn snezzing all the time since 3rd,4th and 5thdpo, and stuffed nose too... but this morning when i woke up... no sign of them at all.


Sri Pureni  11 years ago
i had cramps on and off and moody since 2dpo


heather36  11 years ago
oops accidentally hit send b4 i was done but pretty much calm this cycle but is is still early so crossing my fingers!




heather36  11 years ago
not as many symtoms as last cycle just sore nipples, hot flashes


TrooperTrophy3  11 years ago
Very mild twinges, pokes in uterus, tingly breasts since ovulation, cm, very moody, woke up with a bit of nausea at 5dpo.


auja26  11 years ago
I had bad nausea last night, lower backache, overly sensitive gag reflex since 2 dpo


jsrexroat  11 years ago
I had nausea all night last night and have a bad back ach today


lovemygurlz  11 years ago
ive had lower back ache and cramping since yesterday


margar11  11 years ago
Nothing really, heavy boobs, no cramps/pressure, no overly tired, maybe its ot my month


ChristyLaw07  11 years ago
cramps. Def bloating (my jeans felt little tighter today) and my husband says my nipples look bigger and you can see my veins (breast).


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