What women are saying

5 days past ovulation

Page 123

pinkangel729  11 years ago
bloated, cramps, tiredness


disneychic  11 years ago
I've had pain on my right side since O, backache, fatigure which usually doesn't happen to me and increased appetite which again is strange.


orignalbonez  11 years ago
I feel gross today. sooooooo exhausted like I could take a nap the rest of the day. discomfort in abdomen.




jilliam15  11 years ago
I exactly single one in the same order and everything....Am i finally pregnant?....:/


puddin2881  11 years ago
very sore nipples, throbbing breasts, gassy, feeling tired, backache, always feels hot even when the AC is on and mild cramps on right side


Mrs.butler0129  11 years ago
fatigue, consitpation, headache,back ache no CM


miraclebaby*  11 years ago
very weak, fatigue, feels like something is tickling my uterus, mild cramps, urinating a lot.


MommyofVictoria  11 years ago
Super tired, bloated, light headed, gas, sore throat, breasts are hurting bad.


nksjrjds  11 years ago
tinglly breast, slight cramping and a brownish cm when I wipe I took a test yesterday but it was a BFN so Im going crazy. Is it to early to


staceegeee  11 years ago
very slight nausea from time to time, a little tired...abolutely no appetite for anything.


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