What women are saying

12 days past ovulation

Page 102

Supaflyjem2013  11 years ago
Very very tired.....tenderish breasts.....also very dry mouth and thirsty. Any one else get thirsty? X


jkessel02  11 years ago
bloated, boobs tender, cramping and bad back ache. Light BFP today!! Testing again tomorrow.


nikkinic20  11 years ago
gas, sleepy, cramps




Pippi98  11 years ago
af cramps just kicked in


BrittBratt112  11 years ago
af like cramps super sleepy


sbell93  11 years ago
euo12 dpo. Feeling super tired, tender breasts, sore nipples, hungry and nauseous all the time, bloating. A lot more gas than normal.


court2005  11 years ago
12 dpo crampy like af (supposed to show wednesday) tired gassy bloated. think had veyr faint positive but idk ill recheck tomorrow morning


kkacsy  11 years ago
Really sore breasts and nipples, and feels like someone is pushing on my lowe abdomen.


constancejones  11 years ago
fatigue and eat all the time bfp to day


finke1086  11 years ago
12 dpo... bfp yesterday:)... dull cramps and tender boobs, headache, tired, and every time I eat im hungry again 10 mins later!


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