What women are saying

Sore/Sensitive Nipples

kellyhill  4 years ago
6 weeks pregnant, early on , my nipples were itchy and constantly poking out. my breast wasn't sore so I didn't think pregnancy, but I am


Näsake  4 years ago
For last 3 hrs they are really giving me pain and are super dry. When I wear bra everything calms down but without it I'm in constant pain.


Näsake  4 years ago
I'm 17-18DPO, for last three days my nipples have been very sensitive and itchy. At the end of the day, they are literally killing me.




member_58252  5 years ago
Last three days nips been sore swollen and sensitive, limp was very light and weird now this after I oed..... p


Bam8675309  5 years ago
Period came early at 20 dpo. My nipples started hurting the same day. Now period is gone and was 2 days long with clots.my nips hurt so bad!


OhBoyOrGirl  5 years ago
9dpo only painful nipples burning sensation never had this before. Started today


Gimmebabies!  6 years ago
Y’all, my nips are so sore i can’t stand for hubby to touch them. Anybody have bfps? I had two bfns today at 7dpo


PinkLady1972  6 years ago
My nips are ultra sensitive I'm 11dpo been becoming more sensitive since just after O x


Jessi3433  6 years ago
i have experiencing sore/sensitive nipples for awhile now and now i have experiencing pain in my breasts


Ryujismom2017  6 years ago
4dpo my nipples are so sensitive


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